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Posted by Alien Resistance on Jan 2, 2012
UFOs and Aliens – Evidence of Spiritual Deception

UFOs and Aliens – Evidence of Spiritual Deception

UFOs and Aliens – Spiritual Deception
 by Guy Malone

Our goal is to present Biblical evidence that the phenomena and entities commonly referred to as “aliens” by popular culture are indeed spiritual in nature – opposed to genuinely extra-terrestrial – and is best described as the activity of “fallen angels” intent on deceiving mankind away from a knowledge of the true God and gospel of His Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel… let him be accursed.” (Galatians 1:8)

Malone asks “Do certain Christians say aliens are really demons based simply on an uninformed knee-jerk reaction to the unknown”

No. In fact, many theologians have historically argued that God could easily have created life on other planets, if He so chose. But what does an examination of 20th century sighting and abduction reports reveal? This video provides an overview of the messages, actions and abilities demonstrated by modern “aliens” with insight into the scriptural and theological arguments that logically support the fallen angel interpretation of the phenomena. You will better understand WHY many with a Biblical worldview have concluded that “alien” activity is a fallen angelic deception, and ultimately consider the reasoning behind the “demonic hypothesis” to be much more convincing than you thought possible.


The following series of articles cover the same material as in the video above. However in the following 8-part “Introductory Info” articles series, some of these topics are covered in far greater detail. Whether you’ve got a masters in communication or your degree completion was in psychology and human behavior, we believe you will find our evidence supporting a spiritual explanation for this phenomena compelling.

Evidence for a Spiritual Interpretation of Aliens and UFOs
by Guy Malone

The overall theme we’re going to be discussing is how the modern-day documented reports of UFOs and Aliens actually do NOT suggest to many educated researchers that the phenomena that have been recorded for the last 50-60 years is in fact extra-terrestrial in origin.. ie, genuine biological intelligent life forms from other planets abducting, studying, or communicating with humans.. but rather, the documentation I’m going to be sharing will largely allow you to make up your own mind about the phenomenon, and perhaps you’ll agree that what really going on is better described as spiritual in nature, and more to the point, better described as the deceptive spiritual entities warned about in The Bible.

Here’s an overview of what we’ll be covering in this “Introductory Info” series:

1. Recent Polls About UFOs & Aliens – Growing Trends of Beliefs
 2. Secular Researchers’ Findings that UFO Activity is Not Extraterrestrial in Origin
 3.Overview of Reasons Many Christians Think the Phenomena is Demonic/Fallen Angels
 4. “Alien Abductions” Stop in the name and authority of Jesus Christ
 5. “Alien Abductions” Compared to the False Visions and Terrifying Dreams Caused by Fallen Angels
 6. The Deceptive Anti-biblical Messages of “Aliens” as Reported by Abductees and Contactees
 7. What Does The Bible Say About Life on Other Planets? 
 8. The Strong Delusion and End Times Prophecy


As an introduction, My work in this field began while I was still living in Nashville, Tennessee, right after the mass suicide of a group known as Heaven’s Gate in 1997.

This image is from their website. At the bottom it reads “…the keys to Heaven’s Gate are here again in Ti and Do (“The UFO Two” it says) as they – the alleged keys – were in Jesus and His Father 2000 years ago” (PP) This quote from the New York Times Company says the materials the group published claimed…

“Two members of the Kingdom of Heaven (or what some might call two aliens from space) incarnated into two unsuspecting humans in Houston…” “They consciously recognized that they were sent from space to do a task that had something to do with the Bible.”

The idea that people would kill themselves based on something “aliens” told their group’s leader about the Bible was quite shocking to me, and it set me on a journey of finding out how prevalent philosophies like this have been becoming in the last decade. 

What I’ve since found in recent years is that there is indeed MUCH more credible documentation from very believable sources on this phenomenon of *alleged* aliens, communicating with humans.


Recent Polls About UFOs & Aliens – Growing Trends of Beliefs
Part 1

Larry King ran a couple of programs about a UFO sighting in Stephenville TX a couple of years back, and on his website they posted a poll simply asking people “Do you believe in extra-terrestrial life?” It got an amazingly high number of affirmative answers – 86% said yes. That’s the highest number I’ve ever seen on any similar poll from a major media source.

 2008 Scripps UFO Poll tells us that 56% of Americans overall believe it either “very likely” or “somewhat likely” that intelligent life exists on other planets, Sci-Fi channel’s Roper Poll says 66% believe in ET life.

2008 Scripps UFO Poll   
By Thomas Hargrove and Guido H. Stempel
2002 UFOs & ET Life Roper Poll 
Commissioned by the Sci Fi Channel
 56% said it is either “very likely” or “somewhat likely” that intelligent life exists on other planets.  
74%  of 18-24 year olds believed it was likely that intelligent life exists on other planets.

33%  of adults, believe it’s either very likely or somewhat likely that intelligent aliens from space have visited our planet. 
8%  said they, personally, have seen a mysterious object in the sky that might be a visitor from another world.


66%   of Americans say they think there are other forms of intelligent life in the universe


48%  say they believe that UFOs have visited the earth in some form over the years

12%  said they or someone else they know has seen a UFO at close quarters.   

2%  said they have had an encounter with extraterrestrial life

Note that a whopping 74% of the 18-24 year-olds in survey on the left believed intelligent life elsewhere is likely. 

All of these numbers are way higher than polls from the 1940s and 50’s through the 1990s have ever reported, so with a result like today’s 18-24 year olds are weighing in at, you can just imagine where the overall number is going to be in twenty more years. 33-48% believe aliens have visited earth, around 10% have seen a UFO, and on the right side bottom, 2% believe they’d had an encounter with extraterrestrial life.

Combining and averaging these polls into one, gives you better than 3 out of 5 believe in life on other planets, and 1 in 10 have seen a UFO.

There are other polls from Roper, USA Today, CNN, and so on that put that last number – people who believe they’ve had an abduction or contactee experience – consistently at 2-3 percent in scientific, credible source, polling. There’s a very good book title, based on The Air Force’s Blue Book Project’s lead scientist astronomer J Allen Hynek’s offhand answer to a journalist’s question, who guessed off the top of his head that the number of contactees in America was one in forty, or 2.5 percent, way before more recent polls made the same claim.

This last graph based on the National UFO Reporting Center database shows how dramatically the numbers of people seeing and reporting UFOs has increased also just since 1990…

So 8 percent, 12 percent, splitting the difference, as many as 1 out 10 people have seen a UFO. About one in forty, maybe one in fifty, have had an experience they identify as extra-terrestrial. Something’s definitely happening.

Before getting into some prominent Christian views, let’s see first what prominent non-Christian researchers and scientists have said about this phenomena over the years.


Secular Researchers’ Findings that UFO Activity is Not Extraterrestrial in Origin
Part 2

I’ll be sharing a few quotes from the very famous but now deceased scientist Carl Sagan. And I want to point out first that Dr. Sagan was not a debunker on the possibility of extra-terrestrial life. He was a strong supporter of the SETI project (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence), and his book “Contact” was the basis of the major motion picture by the same name. The story was of first contact with an extraterrestrial race, which happened through the means of a signal from aliens received by SETI. According to Dr. Carl Sagan, “The available evidence strongly suggests that the origins of life should occur given the initial conditions and a billion years of evolutionary time.” 

Now, many Christians in general, myself included, do not believe in the theory of evolution. My point is simply showing that despite being friendly to the possibility of extra-terrestrial life having evolved elsewhere in the universe, when Carl Sagan extensively studied the details about the large numbers modern reports of UFOs which he had access to, he called it psuedo-science. 

“pseudosciences… pseudoscientific doctrines… that alien beings from distant worlds visit the Earth with casual impunity.” 
(Dr. Carl Sagan The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, pg 43) 

He did not find it rational to believe that aliens were visiting us with what he called “casual impunity.” He also wrote,

“A 1969 Study by the National Academy of Sciences, while recognizing there are reports “not easily explained,” concluded that “the least likely explanation of UFOs is the hypothesis of extraterrestrial visitations by intelligent beings… Think of how many other “explanations” there might be: time travelers; demons… tourists from another dimension… the souls of the dead;… Each of these “explanations” has been seriously proffered…. “Least likely” is really saying something.” 

(Dr. Carl Sagan The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark,  pp 93-94)

Arthur C. Clark was a British science fiction author and inventor, who held degrees in both mathematics and physics. He is famous for his short stories and novels, among them “2001: A Space Odyssey”. For many years, Robert A. Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, and Arthur C. Clarke were known as the “Big Three” of science fiction. Clarke was and is arguably one of the most famous science fiction authors of all time. He said: 

“One theory which can no longer be taken very seriously is that UFOs are interstellar spaceships.”  

I think it’s fair to say he probably made a chunk of change writing about aliens visiting earth, as fictional, but he also honestly didn’t think what we earthlings are currently experiencing actually was aliens from space either. 

Here’s from someone you may not have heard of, but from the book One in Forty I mentioned earlier.  Non-Christian author Preston Dennit says,

“It cannot be denied that there is a connection between UFO encounters and psychic phenomena… UFO abductees have reported being plagued with all sorts of paranormal manifestations following their UFO experience…. objects moving by themselves, … ghostly footsteps, apparitions, doors opening and closing by themselves, precognitive dreams, telepathy, telekinesis — the list is endless… Many ufologists ignore this aspect of ufology in an attempt to draw the subject out of the occult…They refuse to use all the evidence presented to make a theory which explains all aspects of the reported phenomena. Instead they choose those aspects that would prove their theory, while ignoring the evidence that contradicts their theory… UFOs will never be explained until the psychic aspect of UFOs is also explained.”

One in Forty – The UFO Epidemic: True Accounts of Close Encounters with UFO’s pg 269 

Dr. Jacques Vallee, one of the pioneers of secular UFO researchers, worked partly with the U.S. government along with Project Blue Book’s Hynek. You might call Vallee and Hynek the founding fathers of scientific UFO study. Vallee is the author of 10 books on the scientific study UFOs, he helped coin the phrase in the 1970’s “the inter-dimensional hypothesis” to explain UFO activity. 

You don’t know you know him, but Vallee was the inspiration for the scientist character in Stephen Spielberg’s movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind.  

In a interview, Vallee expressed that he thought some external force was causing people what he called “induced hallucinations.” 

“…it’s quite possible that some of the stories that you get from people are essentially induced hallucinations in sincere witnesses – the witnesses are not lying. They really have been exposed to something genuine…”

It’s not that the UFO witnesses were lying (he said) but that only they saw something that wasn’t really there, at least in the physical sense of a nuts and bolt saucer.

Valle, pictured here with Dr Hynek presented to the United Nations on their UFO research in 1978, wrote,

“The ‘medical examination’ to which abductees are said to be subjected, often accompanied by sadistic sexual manipulation, is reminiscent of the medieval tales of encounters with demons. It makes no sense in a sophisticated or technical framework: any intelligent being equipped with the scientific marvels that UFOs possess would be in a position to achieve any of these alleged scientific objectives in a shorter time and with fewer risks.”  
(Dr. Jacques Vallee CONFRONTATIONS: A Scientist’s Search for Alien Contact pg. 13) 

John Keel, an influential journalist and ufologist, and the author of The Mothman Prophecies (the basis of the film by the same name) wrote succinctly, 

“The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon.”  
(John A. Keel, Operation Trojan Horse pg. 299)

Which brings us to our third point:

An Overview of Christian Research 
Part 3

Let me say that for most Christians, whether God could have created life on other planets is not even a question – it’s a non sequitur really – nobody doubts that God can do whatever he wants to. But in light of all the paranormal phenomena that’s been documented in the last century – specifically so many thousands of extremely well-documented cases of beings claiming to be aliens – the question really becomes… 

“Is the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis the best explanation for the reported alien abductions and UFO sighting phenomena?” 

After researching the topic thoroughly the consensus among Christian researchers is that the answer is a resounding No.
The evidence which Christian researchers have documented over the decades to arrive at what’s known as the “Demonic Hypothesis”, include the facts that:

1) “Alien Abductions” stop in the name and authority of Jesus Christ, and can be terminated as a pattern in a person’s life.

This first point has been documented by Joe Jordan, who started as a MUFON researcher in 1992. After years of focusing on UFO sightings, in 1997 he co-founded the CE4 Research Group, to focus more on research pertaining to “alien abduction” reports. Their research has been documented in over a dozen books mostly by Christian authors, that there are hundreds of abduction experiences that have been stopped by using the name and authority of Jesus Christ. Of the hundreds of cases the CE4 Research Group has worked with since 1997 who have been able to terminate the alien abduction experience in their life, over 95 former abductees have allowed them to share their personal testimonies on the CE4 Research Website. For many people, this research actually settles the issue, proving that the experience is spiritual in nature, and not genuinely extra-terrestrial.

You can read a synopsis of their research findings on the CE4 Research Group website: 

And their collection of testimonies of former abductees are online to read and listen to here: 
CE4 Research Group – Former Abductee Testimonies

Or continue to Part 4: “Alien Abductions” Stop in the Name and Authority of Jesus Christ

2) “Alien Abductions” match the abilities of fallen angels as described in the Bible.

The second point has been elaborated on in detail by researcher Paradox Brown, in her online book, “The Bible Physics and the Abilities of Fallen Angels”. When the biblical accounts of interactions with angels and fallen angels are compared to modern alien abduction case reports, it becomes clear that the abilities of fallen angels as described in the Bible can explain what abductees experience in their encounters. She summarizes,

“The Bible summarily teaches several things about Visions caused by angels… The Bible teaches that Fallen angels can cause False dreams and False Visions. In False Visions causes by Fallen angels:

1. A Vision can seem totally real to a single bodily sense (like sight) or to all of the bodily senses, and a person’s self-perception is usually that they are in their body. 
2. A Vision can affect one person or multiple people, though they may perceive it differently
3. A Vision can occur in a waking state, or in a trance state
4. A Vision can be causes by a visible angel, or an invisible angel
5. A Vision can involve some physical effects that remain afterwards, such as objects that remain with a person, and bodily effects, even internal ones. 
6. A Vision can involve manipulation of a person’s perception of time, like an hour in a minute. 
7. A Vision can contain just about any landscape, or any sort of characters, and can seem to involve travel, even though the person doesn’t actually go anywhere
8. A Vision can seem so real to the bodily senses that it is indistinguishable from reality, even in the case of people who are experienced with Visions, though God knows and can reveal the truth

… Beyond false messages which fallen angels can communicate in False Visions or dreams, they can also use False Visions and dreams to simply harass and frighten people, to a terrible extent… the Bible teaches that fallen angels can victimize people with their ability to cause dreams and Visions, using these to scare and terrify, even to the point of severe traumatization from them… fallen angels can also cause False Dreams and False Visions to communicate a lying or deceptive message, false information, to a person with the intent that the person might become a false prophet, who shares the false message as truth… after looking at several “alien abduction” cases it seems that the abilities of Fallen angels to cause False Visions (and all that entails) and terrifying dreams, as well as elements of Physical manifestation, are sufficient to explain what abductees experience.” 
The Bible, Physics, and the Abilities of Fallen Angels, by Paradox Brown

Along the same lines, Dr. David Allen Lewis and Robert Shreckhise wrote in the early 90’s

“The point to all of this is that a spiritual explanation fits entirely with the UFO effects. Beings from a higher dimensional plane than our own, who are able to manipulate energy, could generate an appearance of mass, speed, and physical effects. Given the ability of deceptive manipulation of the minds of people, they could also give an impression of alien entities, actual physical contact, and what their ships look like on the inside. The ability of Satan to manipulate the minds of people, especially those who reject the Creator, is documented not only in the Bible, but in actual case histories.”  
UFO: End-Time Delusion, by David Allen Lewis & Robert Shreckhise, pg.129

You can read a detailed Bible study on the abilities of fallen angels, along with a comparison to modern alien abduction case reports, here:

Part 5: “Alien Abductions” Match the Abilities of Fallen Angels as Described in the Bible


3) “Aliens” bring primarily deceptive anti-biblical messages, as is reported by abductees and contactees.

After reading through the documentation of what abductees and contactees report that the “aliens” tell them,  it becomes clear that either the aliens are right and they’re telling people the truth, which means that everything the Christian church teaches about God and the Bible is a lie, or the Bible is right, God is true, and the aliens are lying. The aliens’ messages are “concerned primarily” with indoctrinating us to misunderstand, dismiss, and ignore what the Bible actually says about Jesus Christ, The Bible, God, and especially about the Last Days, and to trust in them. To sort of sum it up, let me submit to you the conclusions of some other well-known Christian authors who have studied this same material.

“An examination of the evidence indicates beyond any doubt that a primary agenda of the alien visitors – whoever or whatever they are – is to change what human beings think about God and His Word (the Bible) and to replace exclusive Christianity with a religion of universalism.” 
-Ron Rhodes “Alien Obsession” -drawing on Bill Alnor PhD’s “UFOs in the New Age”

“If the alleged messages that contactees are receiving are true, then the Bible is not true. God is not what or who we think He is. Christianity must be radically altered to fit the new paradigm.” 
-David Allen Lewis & Robert Shreckhise “UFO: End Time Delusion” from the Introduction

 You can read a detailed study of the deceptive anti-biblical messages which abductees and contactees receive, here:


The Deceptive Anti-Biblical Messages of “Aliens” as Reported by Abductees and Contactees
Part 6

So far you’ve seen the opinions of both a few Christian and a few non-Christian researchers, and you can take or leave their opinions as you will. But now we’re going to look at the actual messages of these “alien” entities, from what contactees and abductees themselves say the aliens are telling them, and let’s see what you think.

I want to preface by saying that there have been historical changes in the aliens’ points of origin. 

In the 1950s, the entities typically told the contactees of the day that they were from Mars and Venus. But we’ve since sent probes and satellites there and found that these planets are hostile to supporting life – at least the humanoid type of life they were claiming to be.

So 50 years later, the entities now claim they originate from far more distant places in other star systems, like Zeta Reticuli which is 39 light years away, or even in other galaxies like Andromeda, which is 2.5 million light years away.


Now, their story has now changed to these far away places, in which we once again can’t verify their claims. This fact alone already lends itself to believing there’s deception involved in this phenomenon. 

To quote from Dr. Carl Sagan’s book “Intelligent Life in the Universe”,

“What might an advanced extraterrestrial civilization want from us? One of the primary motivations for the exploration of the New World was to convert the inhabitants to Christianity — peacefully if possible — forcefully if necessary. Can we exclude the possibility of an extraterrestrial evangelism?”  
– Dr. Carl Sagan, “Intelligent Life in the Universe” pg. 463 (emphasis added)

Dr. Sagan here raises a very astute question – and the more researchers and authors out there study the reports of alien abductions and encounters, the more this question comes up – and the argument for an affirmative answer becomes clear.

So keep this question in mind, Are “extraterrestrials” intentionally evangelizing people to an alternate spirituality?

As an introduction, secular researcher Thomas Bullard points out in the Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters that there is a definitive common pattern to the classic abduction scenarios.

“However the story emerges, the accounts seem remarkably alike…

1. Capture…  
2. Examination…  
3. Conference. A meeting, lecture, or schooling session follows…  
4. Tour…   
5. Other-wordly Journey…  
6. Theophany. The witness meets a divine being or has a religious experience.  
7. Return… 
8. Aftermath…” 
Thomas Eddie Bullard, quoted in Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters, Ronald D. Story, Editor

It’s interesting to note when a non-Christian person would use the term “theophany” in a sentence. If a Christian pastor or researcher were to use that term to describe the alien abduction experience, it would be obvious that he was judging the entity, with a negative or derogatory connotation, as if he were intentionally labeling the entity as a false god. But when Bullard uses it here, he’s just very clinically noting that a spiritual, or religious, interpretation cannot be divorced from the encounters. To an extent, even secular researchers identify the beings as divine, in a sense, just without the discernment or predisposition to qualify them as “good” or “evil.”

Dr. Leo Sprinkle, a PhD “Professor Emeritus” of Counseling at Wyoming University summarizes the experiences by saying that,

“UFO contactees have been chosen … no UFO contact is accidental … and that the manifestations are designed to influence the worldview of contactees…What follows is a summary of these claims about UFO experiences and related conditions: 

1. UFO contactees have been chosen; no UFO contact is accidental.  
2. Contactees are ordinary people, who exhibit a caring or a loving concern for all humankind…  
4. UFO experiences include paraphysical, parapsychological, and spiritual manifestations which are designed to influence the “world view” of contactees.   
8. Contactees are programmed for a variety of “future” activities, including awareness of their own contacts and desire to share their messages and knowledge with other contactees.  
9. The lives of contactees move in the direction of greater self-awareness greater concern for the welfare of planet Earth, and a greater sense of Cosmic Citizenship with other beings in the universe.  
10. The personal metamorphosis of UFO contactees is the forerunner of a social transformation in human consciousness, which now is leading to changes in the economic, educational, military, political, and religious institutions of nations of the Earth: the “New Age” of true science and spirituality.”
 – R. Leo Sprinkle, quoted in Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters, pg 136-140, Ronald D. Story, Editor

You get that, Book of Revelation buffs? Expert, secular, PhD opinion… is that aliens are prepping people to accept the merging of politics, religion and money into a New Age system!

Now, some details of the actual messages…

“Jane says, “I’m reassured during the entire procedure. And it doesn’t hurt too much. I ask why they need that, and he looks deep into my eyes for a long time.  Then he says that it was my choice, that I agreed to all this a long time ago. “I said I didn’t remember the agreement and when did I do that. And he answered,  Before you were born, and we’ve had this conversation before. ”  

– TAKEN : Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda by Dr. Karla Turner, PhD, pg. 147

To the point, Aliens often teach people about past lives and reincarnation, which we know is in opposition to Hebrews 9:27 at minimum, which says,

“It is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgment.”

 That’s not all. Brad Steiger in a book he titled (in part) “channeling,” reports,

“The entity identified himself as OX-HO and declared that he had come from a galaxy very near our own to help the people on Earth… “People on Earth, open your doors to our help, for you need it desperately. Remember that we are always on the alert and (we) are now holding off and fighting any enemies from lesser evolved planets. Join our Confederation and be one with the Creator.”  

– Brad Steiger Aquarian Revelations: Channeling Higher Intelligence pgs. 98-99

Christians studied in occult religions may recognize this as a form of pantheism, teaching that we can become one with the Creator if we are one with them. Dr John Mack confirms this pantheistic cosmic consciousness view propagated by the aliens, by saying,

“The aliens are recognized as intermediaries or intermediate entities between the fully bodied state of human beings and the primal source of creation or God (in the sense of a cosmic consciousness, rather than a personified being). In this regard abductees sometimes liken the alien beings to angels, or other “light beings” (including the “grays”).  – Abduction, by Dr. John Mack, pg. 48

 I.E., “Alien” encounters lead experiencers to the conclusion that God is not a personified deity, but a cosmic consciousness, and that some “grey aliens” are good angels.

More directly, aliens also claim over and over to be the creators of mankind …

He told her that these beings, “a nonphysical form of energy,” were created and controlled by his group. “Did you create humans, too?” Angie asked, and he confirmed this.”   
– Dr. Karla Turner, PhD,Taken, pg. 157

Another contactee reports that an alien told her that Adam & Eve were created here as an experiment ……and that “Aliens genetically changed the DNA of a distant cousin to the ape on this planet” and “sped up” our evolution.

 “…the question was asked of Monn, if there were more than one Adam and Eve. “Yes, you could say so, because there was more than one experiment on the Earth done by aliens visiting the planet… They were created here… Aliens genetically changed the DNA of a distant cousin to the ape on this planet… the aliens took the natural evolution and speeded it up.”  Alien Contact : The Messages They Bring, by Bonnie Meyer, pgs. 178-179

This is but one example of many, of aliens injecting themselves into the Bible as creating Adam and Eve, and confirming the Theory of evolution, or guided evolution – guided by them. This isn’t their only attempt of re-telling the Bible.

“A UFO moved in the sky to Bethlehem and then it placed itself by a star in the sky. And also a UFO helped to part the Red Sea.. by lasers… the UFO’s were working for God… These UFOs also provided the manna from heaven. No I’m not saying that God did not do this, but God worked through the UFOs to produce this. Also, God used a laser to write those things on the tablet, the commandments. These UFOs also parted the Jordan River…” 

– Bonnie Meyer Alien Contact: The Messages They Bring pgs 180-181

It’s not enough just to re-tell it, but they also want to attack the Bible’s integrity:

“Not all stories in your Bible are accurate because your Bible is not 100% correct…  I would say basically another 6% was eliminated because it talked about reincarnation and UFOs which took power away from the church…” 

– Bonnie Meyer Alien Contact: The Messages They Bring pgs 177-178, 180  

What you may find the most disturbing is the variety of things aliens say about Jesus.

For instance, Alien messages include warnings against the use of nuclear energy in any form, and exhortations to put the world in order by,

“…returning to the “Cosmic Laws” as taught by great Masters such as Jesus, Buddha, and Krishna – all of whom are said to have come from other planets.”
– Aetherius Society, pg. 12-13

“The millions that come from other worlds, from far-off galaxies to assist in bringing Peace upon Earth, have my staunch support and backing for all of their endeavors… I AM SANANDA, KNOWN TO YOU AS JESUS THE CHRIST… I AM SANANDA, AND THIS IS MY MESSAGE TO THE WORLD.”  

– Project World Evacuation, Compiled through Tuella, by The Ashtar Command, pgs. 8-9

Alien messages include claims that Jesus Christ is an alien, or alien hybrid, with a soul reincarnated into many different bodies on many alien worlds.

“Whenever a planet has problems like Earth is experiencing now, a special person is born on the planet to help. Even my home planet Surak had problems way back in its past, and the Son of God was the person who was called on to help. He has also been born on other planets. It is always the same soul that is born; however, it is not quite the same because there were different mothers. 
– Alien Contact : The Messages They Bring, by Bonnie Meyer, pg. 186

If this image to the right doesn’t offend you, I don’t know what will. We didn’t create this picture, it was out there on a site promoting this view as truth. This image is ET’s message in a nutshell, and what God has called my life to be dedicated to fighting. The Son of God is not “crucified afresh” on planet after planet throughout millions of galaxies. The Bible says that Christ died once for all, 

“By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.”
Hebrews 10:10

And we should all know He cannot be not “slightly different” based on different mothers, because the Bible says that Jesus Christ is the SAME, yesterday, today and forever, 

“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.”
Hebrews 13:8

Alien messages also attempt to rewrite the resurrection and how Jesus Christ will return,

“The most controversial thing is the ascension and resurrection of Christ. You see, he went up to a UFO in a beam, he went aboard a ship, and He is alive today and He will return in a ship called the New Jerusalem and it will be stationed outside of the atmosphere.” 

– Bonnie Meyer, Alien Contact : The Messages They Bring  pg 180-181

Now, only people who know the Bible would catch most of these lies, or half-truths. The New Jerusalem will not orbit the planet, but will be the city (not a ship) on Earth, that Jesus Christ will reign from.

One of today’s more infamous abductees is formerly know as Claude Vorilhom, but now goes by the name Rael. And like we saw from another alien encounter earlier, Rael’s aliens also claim to be humanity’s creators. They pose as scientists, or “designers.” From Rael’s book, called “The True Face of God”,

“… the creators (alien scientists aka Eloha / Elohim) therefore arranged for a child to be born of a woman of the Earth and one of their own people (aliens). The child in question (Jesus Christ) would thereby inherit certain telepathic faculties which humans lack… Mary was the woman chosen … One of the creators (aliens) appeared to explain that Mary would bring forth a son of “God”.  

– The True Face of God, pg 60

Just a little more on where this is coming from, the cult leader Rael:

“Claude Vorilhon claimed that in December 1973 he was re-named Rael by aliens…  Rael claims that HE is the result of a virgin birth .. Alien named Yahweh told him “we decided that the time had come to send a new messenger on earth .… says Jesus was “scientifically revived by other aliens and taken back to the Elohim planet” … says Jesus “didn’t die for the sins of the world .. Jesus’ purpose on earth was to help us advance scientifically and medically to make room for the return of the Elohim to the planet.”  
– Bill Alnor, UFO Cults and The New Millennium, 1998 Baker Books, Ch 7

This is a modern day false prophet, but his experiences, I believe, really happened to him. It was the “aliens” that told him to write this book, and start this new religion, which today claims to have 55,000 members across the planet. It is interesting how often contact with aliens results in instructions to the abductee or contactee to start a new religion. They harp on how and why Christianity is wrong all the time though.

Going back to the 1950’s contactee George Van Tassel had “aliens” telling him things similar to the modern claims of the Rael, and contactee Bonnie Meyer whom we’ve been reading from already.

“He (George Van Tassel) said that JESUS was born of MARY, who was a space person sent here already pregnant in order to show earth people the proper way to live. He said the space people have watched over us through the years and have tried to help us.” 
– Nick Redfern, On The Trail of The Saucer Spies, page 28-29

I lived in Roswell, NM for 11 years as a missionary, to present orthodox biblical views to those who go there with belief systems similar to what I’ve been describing. Now, I “used to believe” that my target audience, so to speak, was a very tiny niche group of people, limited mainly just to those who were having direct contact with ET’s, or who were joining UFO Cults.

However, I’ve had so many conversations with what you’d otherwise call “normal” people over the years, and I’ve been surprised and nearly sickened to find out how many people in the mainstream are beginning to think about the Bible in the exact same ways that I’ve been quoting you today – but WITHOUT joining a cult, or having contact experiences.

Note the opening 2 minutes of a program that debuted in 2002, and still airs several times per year on the History Channel.

“The Bible, a sacred text filled with fantastic tales of an awesome supernatural force, but what if that force wasn’t God? What if it was a UFO? In Ezekiel, what was that gleaming wheel within a wheel that descended on the prophet? In the Sodom and Gomorrah of Genesis where did the devastating fire and brimstone come from? In Exodus what was that presence in the sky that led Moses through the desert? Were these the actions of God? Or might these mysterious forces in the sky have been UFOs in the Bible? 

Throughout the Bible mysterious aerial phenomena appear and alter the course of human history. To religious scholars these stories are an infallible record of God’s presence and Godly events, but some modern day researchers offer a different theory… perhaps these stories really describe alien visitations.”

Barry Downing: “Is it possible that extraterrestrials have been involved in human history for thousands of years, and if so, did they have contact with the Biblical people, and as you look in the Bible there are many reports of UFOs that contact Biblical people, a chariot of fire that abducts Elijah and takes him off into the sky.” 

Narrator: “Elijah was one of the most revered Jewish prophets of his day. According to ufologists, the Biblical account of his encounter with chariots of fire, is a detailed description of what might be termed a UFO.”
 – The History Channel “UFOs in the Bible”
The minister in the video wearing the white collar, Barry Downing, is teaching almost the exact same things that the alien contactees I’ve quoted are teaching, and almost the exact same things about UFOs in the Bible that the Raelian religion teaches.

My point is that it’s no longer direct contact with aliens, or participation in cult groups that leads people to embrace these ideas. It’s mass media, it’s Hollywood, and it’s even begun to creep into portions of the Christian church. It’s a strong delusion, and these entities have found ambassadors that are all to willing to carry their message.

Today, what you’ll find most prevalent in much of the alien contact literature since the fifties, and now all over the web, is the claim that when you read the Bible, what you’re really reading about is primitive man’s interpretation of UFO technology. Claims that the fire by day, cloud by night that Moses and the Israelites followed was really a UFO. Claims that Elijah was taken up in a UFO, like this mockumentary said. Claims that Jesus didn’t so much “ascend into heaven” after His resurrection, but rather that He was just beamed back up to the mother ship from which He came. And right along with this, the deceptive twist now being touted is that The Immaculate Conception and virgin birth of Jesus Christ are explainable by alien abduction and artificial insemination, resulting in an advanced teacher to mankind – who was either half-alien or all-alien.

But we know that The Bible says that God Himself became flesh, and dwelt among us in the person of Jesus Christ,

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made… He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not… And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us…” John Chapter 1

That’s who Jesus Christ is according to scripture – the world was made by Him. Alien messages always undermine the singular most important tenet of Christianity, that Jesus Christ is God Himself Incarnate as man, or God in the flesh.

For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Colossians 2:9  

In whom we have redemption through his blood, [even] the forgiveness of sins:  Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:  For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth… … all things were created by him, and for him   Colossians 1:14-15

Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. – Hebrews 2:14-15

“For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.” 2 John 1:7

So the essence of the struggle here is trying to reconcile the reality of alien encounters (generally speaking and the few fruitcakes and attention seekers aside, we believe that people genuinely are having these encounters), but we have to compare what is being told to people by the entities to what the Bible very clearly teaches. And the now extremely well-documented messages of beings claiming to be aliens repeatedly attack this doctrine, and claim that Jesus is not really God Incarnate, but is simply an advanced alien or half breed.

The common questions that Christians arrive at when they examine the documented teaching of aliens, are quite logically along the lines of,  “Why would authentic extraterrestrial biological entities travel 90 billion light years just to attack one specific religion? Why do they make such a concentrated effort to convince people that Jesus Christ is not true Deity, or God Incarnate? Given their powers and abilities, the Christian truly is left with no choice but to identify these creatures as deceiving spirits. Which is exactly what the Bible tells us to expect in the Last Days.

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. 1 Tim 4:1

For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 NIV

The Bible actually tells people to expect, in the last days, many people falling away from the faith – partly on the basis of believing human teachers of false doctrines – but very specifically, because of seducing spirits that teach the doctrines of devils. Which is exactly what you see when you examine aliens’ communications to humans. Finally, here’s one main passage which often also gets applied to the UFO phenomena by nearly all Christian researchers:

“The coming of the lawless one (aka antichrist) will be in accordance with the work of Satan, displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie…”   2nd Thessalonians 2:7-11

Putting this all too succinctly, many Christian researchers feel that the UFO phenomenon is a lying sign and wonder, and a powerful delusion, which will be embraced by those who refuse to believe the gospel. SOME powerful delusion, having global impact, with signs and wonders is exactly what Christians were warned 2,000 years ago to anticipate, as part of the final rise of the antichrist. Since 1947 – the year of the Roswell Incident, AND when the nation of Israel stepped back onto the worldstage… since 1947, the UFO phenomenon, you might say, has jumped to the forefront of being the leading contender to fit this bill. 

So … what exactly do the aliens tell abductees about the end times? 

The book Abduction by Dr John Mack represents a decade-long study of over 300 men and women who claimed alien abduction. Dr Mack is a Pulitzer Prize winning author, who, up until as his death, served as the Head of the Psychiatry Department at Harvard University School of Medicine.

He also co-chaired a conference at M.I.T. that concluded that abductees weren’t crazy, or lying, but that most abductees showed symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, proving that something had indeed happened to them.

After interviewing over 300 abductees, he summarizes the aliens’ messages by saying,

“The information that abductees receive is concerned primarily……with the fate of the earth in the wake of human destructiveness. Scenes are shown…of the earth devastated by a nuclear holocaust, vast panoramas of lifeless polluted landscapes and waters, and apocalyptic images of giant earthquakes, firestorms, floods, and even fractures of the planet itself are shown by the aliens. These are powerfully disturbing to the abductees, who tend to experience them as literally predictive of the future of the planet. Some abductees are given assignments in this future holocaust as it is displayed, such as to feed the survivors, or are told…that some will perish while others will be taken to another place to participate in the evolution of life in the universe.” 
– Dr. John Mack Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens pg 395, 40  

Extensive research by Dr. Mack, Karla Turner Phd, David Jacobs Phd, Budd Hopkins and many other prominent abduction researchers bears out that visions of the end of the world – or at least some massive future apocalypse – is one of if not THE major theme that abductees experience in their interactions with aliens. They also often speak of how the aliens will help mankind survive this period. Dr. Mack relates this conversation with an abductee named Ed,


“You have a sensitivity, Ed. You pick up on things. You can talk to the earth. The earth talks to you…The female being, whose name he now recalled as something like “Ohgeeka” or “Ageeka,” picked up on these qualities and underscored the responsibility Ed has for his gifts and powers. 

“Listen to the earth. Listen to the earth, Ed. You can hear the earth. You can hear the anguish of the spirits. You can hear the wailing cries of the imbalances. It will save you. It will save you… Things are going to happen,” she said, but he must “listen to the spirits”…The earth itself, the being told him, is enraged at our stupidity, and “the earth’s skin is going to swat some bugs off” that do not know how “to work in symbiotic harmony” with it….  
I asked Ed how this swatting off was going to happen. “Convulsions of the earth,” he said, “almost like puking us off, or shunning us off… They will get rid of parts of us.” Meanwhile, the being kept telling Ed that he has a “greater agenda”
I asked him what is called for, what he has been told is to be done. He answered personally, in terms of what he has been told about his own survival in the face of the “cataclysmic earth changes” that are to come. “She’s telling me, showing me that I have the tools within me to survive. I have this extra dimension. I have the choice of listening to it or not… I am to listen to my inner, something deep inside myself, and listen to the earth.” 
– Abduction, John Mack, pg. 61, 64

Some abductees are told the key to surviving the Last Days is in themselves, while others are told the aliens will save them:

“It will be the time when the disasters are at their peak. It will happen when people will no longer be able to stand the disruptions and the chaos. The remainder of the people who are living will be picked up by spacecraft and be taken to safety on the planet Saturn. Here they will be cared for until the Earth is once again ready to be inhabited… You are all in the hands of the Space brothers, and the sooner you realize this, the better.” 
– Brad Steiger, Aquarian Revelations: Channeling Higher Intelligence, pgs 106-7  

But the Bible says clearly, that it is only Jesus who saves, and that whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord will be saved!

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:9, 13

Of course we know that The Bible says a great deal about the End of the Age, and the disasters that will come on the earth before Jesus Christ’s return – specifically in Matthew 24 and the Book of Revelation … just for starters. I just want to point out to you the documented fact that aliens’ messages routinely contradict the biblical messages of destruction and recreation of a New Heaven and a New Earth by God, and Jesus’ promise to save His followers from this judgment. Aliens routinely promise that THEY will deliver their believers from the disasters foretold in the End Times, in a variety of ways – including but not limited to cloning, reincarnation, or by lifting those who follow the aliens off the planet just in the nick of time.

So I’ve shared with you the documented messages of extra-terrestrials, so that you could compare them to the Bible and begin to make an educated decision on whether you believe they are genuine Eextraterrestrials or – as the non-Christian Jacques Vallee wrote in his book title –  are they “Messengers of Deception”?

And I think the documentation that exists of the “Contact” and “Abduction” phenomenon does indeed give you enough information to answer the original question for yourself,  

“Are “extraterrestrials” intentionally evangelizing us to an alternate spirituality?”

And I’ll add, “Do these experiences tend to have an impact on people?” Yes. 

“For many witnesses, a UFO encounter causes a radical shift in their beliefs about the universe. Their experiences stand out as the most emotionally terrifying and intellectually baffling experiences of their lives. As one witness said, “My belief system went right out the window.” 

– Preston E. Dennett One in Forty – The UFO Epidemic: True Accounts of Close Encounters with UFO’s, pg 322-23
The aliens’ messages are “concerned primarily” with indoctrinating us to misunderstand, dismiss, and ignore what The Bible actually says about Jesus Christ, The Bible, God, and especially about the Last Days, and to trust in them. 
To sort of sum it up, let me submit to you the conclusions of some other well-known Christian authors who have studied this same material.
“An examination of the evidence indicates beyond any doubt that a primary agenda of the alien visitors – whoever or whatever they are – is to change what human beings think about God and His Word (the Bible) and to replace exclusive Christianity with a religion of universalism” 
– Ron Rhodes, citing William Alnor 
Alien Obsession: What Lies Behind Abductions, Sightings, and the Attraction to the Paranormal
Two other Christian authors examine the ET movement and write,  

“If the alleged messages that contactees are receiving are true, then the Bible is not true.”

-David Allen Lewis & Robert Shrekhise UFO: End-Time Delusion
Don’t be fooled – experiences with these entities, or a heavy belief in this phenomenon, is indeed going to require a choice on your part. Either the aliens are right and they’re telling people the truth, which means that everything the Christian church teaches about God and the Bible is a lie… or… the Bible is right, God is true, and the aliens are lying. 

(For an even more detailed and extensive presentation on this topic, see the online video, 

“ET’s Message to Humanity: A False Gospel” by Guy Malone )


What Does The Bible Say About Life on Other Planets?
Part 7

I’ve found over the years that whether or not God could have created life on other planets is not the question that usually needs to be asked. The real question is, “Are the entities that people are reporting communication with and torment at the hands of in this modern era, authentic extra-terrestrials, or not?” 
But that being said, there’s one more point to be made pertaining to how contact with, or a passionate belief in, extra-terrestrials affects people who are Christians… which I’m offering largely as a warning to those of you who might be opening the door to belief systems involving aliens, and especially for those of you with children who are being bombarded with ET messages on television, in movies, etc… 

What I know from dealing with this topic for well over a decade, is that you may well be convinced from this information we have covered so far that SOME aliens are fallen angels, or demonic messengers. But most people will quickly find themselves thinking,

“Well there could still be good aliens out there as well…” 
“Just because some demons pretend to be aliens, 
that doesn’t automatically mean there’s no life on other planets, 

I think most of us remember that the Carl Sagan movie “Contact” left everyone thinking, “Well if there’s no life out there, that’s a pretty big waste of space..” right? Anybody remember that?

And maybe you’ve gone to a pastor or church leader with this very question, and the answer you got was less than satisfactory – and less than biblical, I’d dare say. Maybe you’ve heard someone say, “Well God can do anything he wants to, I suppose…” or maybe, “Well the Bible doesn’t really say one way or the other…it would seem pretty self-centered to think that WE’RE THE ONLY LIFE God created right?” I’m sure many of you have heard things just like this, right? Maybe some of you have even said things like this…

So I want to take a stab at honestly equipping you on what The Bible actually does say on this topic. Because if you’re grounded in what The Bible does say, you won’t be shaken by what it doesn’t say – or by what it doesn’t necessarily spell out so plainly for us. I’m going to submit to you that Bible does indeed thoroughly equip us for this topic. 
And I can say this with confidence because of 1 Tim 3:16-17. 

All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. 
1 Timothy 3:16-17

Through movies and TV, contactees and cults, and through BAD religious teachings, millions of people are falling for a lie. 

“…and for this cause, God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie
That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” 
1 Thes 2:11-12

My belief is that God says that the scriptures are profitable for doctrine, so that we can be thoroughly equipped to minister absolute truth on this topic, before the strong delusion takes center stage on world events, and the prophetic timetable.

It’s easy I think for all of us in our own imaginations to perceive that God could have created life on other planets.. in our own understanding it’s quite reasonable in fact. And unfortunately I think most of us just rest there, as if that’s a final answer to the question. But you know what God says about our own imaginations:

“Casting down vain imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God” 
2 Corinthians 2:5


We are to cast them down, and not let what we can imagine exalt itself against the knowledge of God, and His word. Romans 1:21 says, that our imaginations can cause us to become vain, and hearts to become darkened.

“… but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened.”

Hosea 4:6 says God’s people are “destroyed for lack of knowledge”. And if we don’t have – or worse, reject – the knowledge of God, we can actually become the very people who refuse to love the truth, and are taken in by the lie, of strong delusion. As I said, in our own understanding, it’s quite reasonable to believe that maybe God did create life on other planets, and so many people in this world do believe as such. But this is what God says about our own understanding and worldly thinking:

“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” 
Psalm 3:5-6

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, 
that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 
Romans 12:2


So I want to invite you to suspend what your own imagination, your own understanding, and what the spirit of this age and this world are actively suggesting to you about life on other planets. There does SEEM to some to be a void in the Bible on this issue – it doesn’t seem to say, I know, I’ve heard it all before. But I believe that if we acknowledge what God’s Word does say, trust that it is profitable for doctrine, and let Him renew our mind on this topic, then hopefully He can direct your path. I hope to equip you with the ability to speak from a truly sound understanding of what the Bible says on whether there’s life on other planets or not.

I’m going to suggest to you something I’m calling “The Principle of Stated Intent” – I made this term up by the way, maybe it’s inspired, maybe not. But I think you’ll agree that just every now and then, we read a passage in the Bible where it seems like God goes out of His way to make sure we “get something” He’s trying to say. Occasionally, it’s as if the Holy Spirit, through the human author, goes out of His way to explain something really important.

As one example, I think of Paul, who wrote 2/3rds of the New Testament. And only once in all of his writings and the entire Old and New Testaments combined, Paul, inspired of the Holy Spirit, actually plainly state to us what in the entire Bible is of first importance.

For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, 
most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep.” 
1 Corinthians 15:3-6

No matter what else you do or don’t get out of reading the Bible, God wants you to know, and Paul is quick to say, 
‘I delivered unto you FIRST OF ALL that Christ died for sins, resurrected from the dead, and there’s over 500 witnesses to that fact.’ First of all, of first importance, God’s Spirit goes out of His way with a “stated intent” that this is the most important information you need to know about the entire Bible; the message of the good news of Jesus Christ.

There’s a couple of other places where I think God goes out of His way to state for us His intent.

“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; 
and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years
And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. 
And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: [he made] the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that [it was] good.”
Genesis 1:14-18

God says the stated intent of the stars and lights in the heavens, are to provide light on the earth, and to divide the seasons and the years. That doesn’t mean automatically they can’t be “inhabited,” I realize that, but biblically speaking, that’s not their stated intent. Notice, I use the word “inhabited”. This is on purpose, as there is a scripture that uses that very word, and I would ask you to contrast the stated intent above, with this stated intent about the earth:

“For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; 
God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, 
he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I [am] the LORD; and [there is] none else.” 

“He who fashioned and made the earth, He founded it; 
He did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited” (NIV) 
Isaiah 45:18

God states of the earth… throughout the Bible God states *only* of the earth… that He created it to be inhabited. When He tells of the creation and the purpose of the stars, “to be inhabited” doesn’t even make the list. And you saw it, there is a list!

If even part of God’s purpose for creating the stars (and any other lights in the heavens) was to give light or warmth to people on other planets, or to be inhabited by other biological life, then while God was actually giving us a list of reasons why the stars were created, you’d think these purposes would have at least made the list.

God says plainly and simply though that He “formed the earth to be inhabited” – all the other stars and heavenly lights’ biblically stated purpose is to “mark the seasons and to give light to the earth” – to it’s “inhabitants” – and “to the earth” is also specified. The Bible says that they exist for us.

I know that nobody can ever point to an exact passage in the Bible that says there’s NOT life on other planets… I’m simply asking you to let your faith rest entirely on what God does say to settle this for you doctrinally. 

I’m asking you to add 2 and 2, to take what is said in two different places, contrast them, and draw the most likely conclusion, based solely on what God’s word states IS true. The stars and planets and other heavenly bodies were all made for God’s stated intent of them giving light to the earth and to be used by us to mark seasons here on earth, but only the earth was made for God’s stated intent of it being inhabited. That being said,

The Bible does in fact speak on non-terrestrial life! At the end of the 6th day in Genesis, the Bible says, 

“Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.” 
Gen 2:1


This verse shows God finished making all the host of the earth, AND all the host of heaven, by the end of the 6th day.
Now, if there were no life other than on earth, this verse could have been written to read, ‘Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of the earth.

But that is not what this verse says. This verse says “(the host of) them“, indicating BOTH the host of the earth, AND the host of the heavens. So, who are the host of the heavens? Who are the life in the heavens? 
The Bible does tell us about the “host of heaven”.


“I saw the LORD sitting on his throne, and all the host of heaven standing by him on his right hand and on his left… 
And there came forth a spirit, and stood before the LORD, and said, I will persuade him.” 
1 Kings 22:21-23

From this we know that the host of heaven can talk, are of the spiritual realm, and at times were at God’s throne. 

“Thou, [even] thou, [art] LORD alone; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host
the earth, and all [things] that [are] therein, the seas, and all that [is] therein, 
and thou preservest them all; and the host of heaven worshippeth thee.” 
Neh 9:6

 Here we see the host of heaven can worship God. And we see a confirmation that they are alive, in the parallel – that heaven has hosts, just like the earth and seas have hosts, or life. The verse that most clearly defines the host of heaven is in Luke 2, in the story of the shepherds and Jesus’ birth.

“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.” 
Luke 2:8-15

“…And suddenly there was with the angel…

“…a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” 
And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven…”
Luke 2:8-15

The “angels” here are described just prior, as a “multitude of the heavenly host”, showing these terms are synonymous, and both refer to the same beings, the angels. This is also made clear in the Greek and Hebrew used throughout the Bible.

In the Greek, the term in Luke 2 for “host of heaven” is “stratia ouranou”, and this is the same term used in 1 Kings and Nehemiah, in the Greek Septuagint, corresponding to the Hebrew term “tsaba shamayim”, or the “host of heaven”. 
This is the same terminology used in Genesis 2:1, When God created the heavens and the earth and all the host of them.

So who are the host of heaven? They are angels. 
They are the only life in the heavens that the Bible defines.

It is NOT that the Bible does not speak of sentient, intelligent life in the heavens, as some say… It is NOT that the Bible is totally silent, as some say. The Bible does speak to the fact that God did indeed create life in the heavens – the host of the heavens – and the Bible specifically defines that life as being angels, and nothing else – not biological lifeforms like us.

As Jesus said to His disciples after His resurrection,


“Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; 
for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.”   
Luke 24:39

Humans have flesh and bone. Apparently resurrected humans do too. But Jesus taught that spirits do not. And the Bible says that angels are ministering spirits, flames of fire, as is recorded in Hebrews,

“And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. 
Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?”
Hebrews 1:7,14 

Unfortunately, we know that some of these angels are “fallen.” Duet 4:19 and 2 Kings 23:5 mention the hosts of heaven negatively, with God warning certain idolatrous people not to worship them, and rebuking the priests who offer incense to Baal, and to the host of heaven. Revelation 12 also tells us:

“And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and [to] his throne… And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him… Therefore rejoice, [ye] heavens, and ye that dwell in them. 
Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, 
having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” 
Rev 12:5,7-9, 12-13

Revelation 12 makes clear that the current location of the fallen angels is in the locality of Earth – they are no longer in the higher heavens. They are now located here on Earth, not on other planets, not in other galaxies, they are here.


This is also seen in Ephesians 6:12 – the powers and principalities that we wrestle with are the dark rulers of THIS world.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, 
against the rulers of the darkness of
 this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 
Ephesians 6:12

And I’m submitting to you that they are today claiming to be aliens. 

But whether you’re a Christian pastor, a Christian teacher, or just a Christian who might get asked what THE BIBLE SAYS about life on other planets, I’m imploring you to teach sound doctrine, without letting your imagination take you beyond what is written. As Christians, I simply think we have a responsibility to teach only what God’s Word does say, and nothing more. God can do anything yes, “nothing is too hard for God”, that’s biblical. But when it comes to teaching, we are compelled and constricted to impart God’s word alone.

The Bible does say that God created life other than what’s on the earth. He populated, or inhabited, the earth with biological life forms, and he populated the heavens with angelic life forms.

But my point is, contrary to what you’ve heard, thought, or perhaps even taught, the Bible is not silent on this issue. You may not immediately agree with the full implications of what it says, but this is indeed what it says. It goes against the spirit and the wisdom of this age, I know, but God calls our wisdom foolishness (1 Cor 3:19). I know it goes against our natural understanding of how things should be, but the things of God almost always do. Remember, just the price of admission to this ride is believing that a man rose from the dead – you think it’s supposed to start making MORE sense once you’re in all the way? No – it makes less sense; “Give if you want to receive,” “Don’t return evil for evil,” “Bless those that curse you…” Remember He says, His thoughts are not our thoughts, and His ways are higher than our ways. That’s Isaiah 55, the passage that ends by saying His Word will not go out and return void – and that’s what I’m hoping to send you out with today – what His Word says.


And here’s what The Bible does say is absolutely true, no conjecture required:

1. The only stated purpose of the stars is to give light to the Earth and to mark the seasons. (Gen 1:14-28)

2. Only the Earth is stated as “created to be inhabited”. 
This is not said of any other planet, star, or heavenly body. (Isa 45:18)

3. The Bible states that God populated the heavens with angels (hosts of heaven), and angels are not biological entities. (Gen 2:1, Luke 2, 24)  


Those are all true statements, and they are all sound doctrine. The Bible exhorts us to speak sound doctrine, even though in the latter times many people will not endure sound doctrine.

As individuals, you and I can believe whatever we want; it’s arguably true that we’re all entitled to have our own personal opinions on some things. But I want to point out, if you’re maintaining the open-minded opinion that there IS life on other planets based solely on that fact that God could have created life on other planets, if He so chose – well, you’re going from what may be true, to accepting it as truth in your everyday walk. And I just caution those of you that are Christians, that you might be letting your own private interpretation come out of your mouth at times. 

My goal is that you might be equipped for ministry, and therefore I feel it’s important for me to try and help you close the door to thinking like most of the world today already does, according to polls, and to encourage you to believe and teach what the Bible does say on this topic. I feel it’s especially incumbent on Christian leadership – pastors, elders, teachers – to do so, because of what the New Testament warns about will be the extra-tough judgment on teachers. And remember, Jesus said that we would ALL be judged by every idle word that comes out of our mouths. I think it’s more in line with what God HAS expressed in scripture on this topic to at minimum say that “there’s nothing in the Bible that indicates there is life on other planets” than to say “well maybe, because God can do anything” – that’s just natural thinking that doesn’t reflect anything The Bible states about the purposes of the stars, planets and other lights in the heavens. Nor does it reflect the only thing the Bible does say about life God created in the heavens – that the host of heaven are angels.

There is a bigger picture of why the Church’s answer to this question is so important. The expert, majority opinion of Christians who have studied the alien phenomenon extensively, is that what the world popularly calls “aliens” today, is in fact deceiving spirits, teaching doctrines of devils. And also that they are setting the world up for a strong delusion that will embrace the New World Order, one-world government, anti-christ ruler when he appears. 

To the point, other than going against our natural thinking, what God’s word says on this topic goes against the coming Strong Delusion. The reason this strong delusion is going to be effective to deceive the world is precisely because it makes so much sense – to worldy thinking. Polls from 50 years ago, did not even reflect that 1 in 10 people believed in life on other planets, much less that it was visiting us. Now polls reflect that 6 in 10 people do, with the 17-24 year old crowd having 7 in 10 who believe in life on other planets. And 4 in 10 people believe that ET life has visited earth or is visiting it! Something’s definitely happened. It’s a Strong Delusion.

John says that the spirit of the antichrist is already at work in the world. And I believe that God has not left us defenseless in what Welsh minister IDE Thomas referred to in his UFO book as “Satan’s last great assault on humanity.”

And when you allow these doctrinally sound statements about what God has done to rule your thinking – you don’t HAVE to dogmatically say that God didn’t create life on other planets, but you can make the points above right from the Bible, and honestly say, “Everything I read in the Bible seems to indicate that He did not.”

That would be sound doctrine. That would be the words coming out of your mouth being in agreement with God’s word.

The smaller picture as to why your answer to this question is so important, is that just because you’re a Christian, sooner or later it’s very likely that some lost soul is going to come to you with their questions about UFOs and aliens, and you may have no idea how important your ready answer to their question is to them personally, or even to their eternal destiny. 

I can tell you as a former abductee, that when I was 22 years old, lost as all get out and nearly suicidal from the madness these entities had inflicted in my life, that the way a Christian answered me when I brought my question about aliens to him, is why I’m here today. He didn’t know that I was a closet abductee when I asked him, but his answer made all the difference in my life. I’d be in a cult, or much worse off, if my Christian friend Leon had shied away from the truth, and given me the culturally popular answer that’s based on imagination and human reasoning, and simply told me he supposed God could do anything if he wanted. 

But not every person out there in need of truth has received a solid answer of Biblical teaching from Christians and the Christian Church on this topic. For example, an abductee named Ann Brooke wasn’t so lucky.


“Ann Brooke experienced some strange events, which … caused her much distress. She is a bright, attractive, and perceptive person… 
raised in a family that valued… Christian fundamentalist beliefs…

“She was unable to talk to her family about her UFO experience, which included: out-of-the body experience; near-death experience; abduction; bodily and sexual examination; and mental communication with UFO entities…”

I’ve been researching and teaching on this material for 13 concentrated years, and I just want to you to know that leaving the door open for a belief in extra-terrestrial biological life always leads to bad fruit, and New Age cult thinking.

Ann Brooke described the effects of her UFO experience as follows:

“After my experience I knew that I had been privileged with 
a glimpse at something infinitely wondrous and profound…
My inner consciousness had undergone a complete and staggering metamorphosis…
Those truths I had been taught through the years by my church, family, parents, and teachers 
no longer were valid to me…”
 – Leo Sprinkle, quoted in Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters pg 136-140, Ronald D. Story, Editor

Folks, Ann Brooke is a casualty of a cosmic spiritual war, of which there are eternal ramifications and losses. 
We at Alien Resistance are here to report to you from the front lines of that war. 

The Strong Delusion and End Times Prophecy
Part 8

“…ET belief is quickly becoming the world’s most scientifically acceptable false religion 
and a major stumbling block to Christianity… ” 
– Gary Bates

As we covered in Part 7, the alien deception is a strong delusion, and the majority of the world is already believing this lie. 
But there may be an even greater element of the alien phenomenon in the End Times, more than even today, a prophetic fulfillment that would indicate this Deception may get Worse and more Large scale.

Beyond being a strong delusion, this may be the strong delusion of the end times, as is mentioned in 2 Thessalonians: 

“And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. But we are bound to give thanks to God always for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth, to which He called you by our gospel, for the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle. ” 
– 2 Thes 2:8-15

On this passage of 2nd Thessalonians, Dr. David Allen Lewis and Robert Shrekhise wrote in their groundbreaking book, UFO: End Time Delusion:

For Satan to succeed in the last days, he must work a deception so subtle and so powerful that it will overwhelm the human race both with its rationality and attraction.”
“An offer by visitors from an advanced civilization on another planet for assistance to a perishing human race confronted with war, crime, violence, pollution, global warming, genocide, and a host of other ills that man’s rebellion have produced will seem irresistible. That the mainstream scientific community is taking the UFO question seriously, as evidenced by the heavy-funded, government-sponsored SETI programs, demonstrates that we must look at the subject in a very serious light. 
Any person who is well-grounded in the Bible and takes the word of God literally will not be prone to fall for the end-time delusion. The apostle Paul contrasts those who accept the Bible with those who reject it…” 
– Dr. David Allen Lewis & Robert Shrekhise, UFO: End-Time Delusion, pgs. 68-69

Some Christian researchers have noted a striking similarity between some passages of prophecy in the Bible and the alien deception. I don’t personally like making firm prophetic doctrinal statements, or letting arguments rest based on debatable interpretations from the book of Revelation. But in case any of the proposed theories below could be correct, I would feel remiss in not presenting for your consideration what Christian research has theorized about how aliens and UFOs might fit into fulfillment of Bible prophecy in the last days. These are the 3 main topics in which aliens and UFOs have been proposed to have some significance.

1. Aliens in the Book of Revelation?

“The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East. Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty… Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.” 
 – Rev 16:12-19, 21 

Dr. David Allen Lewis & Robert Shreckhise postulate,

“In Chapter Sixteen it speaks of three alien beings who go forth to deceive the rulers of the Earth. [The three aliens in Revelation Sixteen have an amphibian or reptilian appearance… So here we read about three frog-like unclean spirits… They are not actually frogs, but “like” frogs. Probably that describes their alien features or appearance…” 
 – Dr. David Allen Lewis & Robert Shrekhise, UFO: End-Time Delusion, pgs. 46-47

Their description is of these frog-like entities leading the kings of the earth together, prior to Christ’s return, preparing for the battle of Armageddon.

Paradox Brown, expounding upon this possible connection, similarly writes:

“…But note that John doesn’t say the three evil spirits “ARE three frogs”. He says they “looked like frogs”… Let’s say that John was shown in his Revelation vision an image of something he had never seen before… It makes sense that if John didn’t know what this creature was, and had never seen anything like it, that he would describe it as “looking like” something he was familiar with. John chose a frog. But if John had never seen this creature before, that doesn’t mean we never have. Closer to Jesus’ return in linear time than John, and closer to the book of Revelation being fulfilled, it stands to reason that we may have become familiar with this frog-like creature, even though John was not…
I propose that the culturally common image of a “gray alien” looks much like a frog…

“1. Frogs and “gray aliens” both have large eyes, and similar facial features.

… large heads and black “wrap around” eyes… slit mouth and no nose to speak of…

“2. Frogs and gray aliens have similar hand and finger structure….From Wikipedia on Gray aliens, “Hand is generally described with four fingers and no thumb with slight webbing between fingers. Two fingers appear longer than the others…

Alien hand artist depiction           Frog feet

“In “Space Travelers and the Genesis of the Human Form”, by Joan D’Arc, she says, “…the alien gray… fingers are long and thin, and generally with rounded pads or bulbs at the end… There are usually 4 fingers and a thumb, but sometimes 3 fingers and a thumb are noted.” Frogs also are known for having rounded pads or bulbs on their fingertips… Below a frog is compared to a sketch by abductee Colin Wright, who sketched a “gray alien’s” hand based on what he saw during his “alien abduction” experience in 1992 with a “gray alien”.  The resemblance is striking, note the long fingers and bulbs.


“3. Both “gray aliens” and frogs have no distinguishable external genitalia…

“4. Frogs and gray aliens both have no hair. “Frogs have no hair.” [6] 
Wikipedia says of gray aliens, “Head generally described as hairless, sometimes a slight fuzz. Bodies are hairless.” So both “gray aliens” and frogs are hairless.
… Additionally, I do want to add a couple equally strange similarities, going beyond the topic of just appearance:

“5. Both frogs and “gray aliens” absorb through their skin. 
From Wikipedia, “Greys reportedly absorb food as well as excrete waste through the skin, which makes them emit a foul odor.” Of frogs, Wikipedia says, “… oxygen can pass through their highly permeable skin. This unique feature allows frogs to “breathe” largely through their skin.”

“6. Both frogs and “gray aliens” reproduce through external reproductive means. Grays are said to reproduce their own kind by cloning, which is an external non-mammalian reproductive method which would take place in a lab, and growth would occur in an artificial womb environment. Frogs also reproduce externally, the male and female components issuing out of the body and fertilizing, then growing in an external environment like a pond.”
 – Paradox Brown, A Modern Guide to Demons and Fallen Angels, pgs. 255-260

2. UFO Abduction Used as an Explanation for the Rapture

The Bible seems to teach that at some point in the fulfillment of end times prophecy, many Christians are going to disappear as they are taken out of harm’s way, from the coming wrath of God. It has been proposed that non-Christians who remain left behind might explain the disappearance of these Christians by saying they were removed by UFOs.

Dr. David Allen Alewis and Robert Shreckhise touch on this subject as well:

“Several of the Bible’s end-time prophecies can now be more clearly understood when we consider the UFO delusion. For example, the UFO idea will provide one way for sinful humanity to explain away the rapture of the Church. Mankind will demand an explanation for the disappearance of 250 to 500 million people when the 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 event occurs.”
– Dr. David Allen Lewis & Robert Shrekhise, UFO: End-Time Delusion, pg. 25

Similarly, in 1997 Guy Malone wrote:

“Ask yourself a question – If at some point in the future, assuming you hadn’t read this article, or had no training or belief in Christian doctrine, and millions of people instantly disappeared from the face of the earth, while driving, flying airplanes, from right in front of your eyes or from your bed, where would you think they all went?

“As a brand new believer (at age 23), I was introduced to the teaching, or doctrine, of the rapture a few years ago. I asked myself the same question. The whole concept seemed pretty hard to swallow…

“I was definitely convinced that the Bible was true, that Jesus was, and is, God incarnate, and that most of the other Biblical teachings of the end times I’d heard and read made sense. Still, millions of people disappearing at once? And history continuing, for possibly years? It was a big pill. If you’re reading about it here for the first time and having trouble believing it, trust me, I understand! 

“No, I wouldn’t walk away from my belief in Jesus, nor could I dismiss a portion of the Bible just because I had trouble with it. I prayed for revelation, for understanding. Where would the world governments say all the people went? Then one day, it hit me. Standing outside of a grocery store, while running an errand with my older brother, God answered. 

“They’ll say the UFO people took them away…” 

“It was too obvious. I’m far from the only believer to have figured this one out. But to work, it would have to be the greatest deception ever pulled on the face of the earth…”
– Guy Malone, Come Sail Away: UFO Phenomenon and the Bible, pgs. 6-7, 1997 Edition

3. Exogenesis – Claimed Alien Creator(s) of Humanity, Leading People to Unite and Worship the Antichrist

There are varying views on how this possibility might play out, some more general and some more specific. Dr. David Allen Lewis and Robert Shreckhise state of “aliens” and UFOs,

“…They figure into the end-time scheme of prophecy and its fulfillment. The increasing frequency of sightings and “close encounters” are a part of an end-time assault on humanity. The prophecies of the Bible clearly reveal this. Both the seemingly benign and the hostile entities are playing their diverse roles… 
They will play an increasing role in preparing a segment of humanity for the reception of the Antichrist…”

– Dr. David Allen Lewis & Robert Shrekhise, UFO: End-Time Delusion, pg. 25

In a video debunking New Age occultism, evangelist Chris White offers:

“… Let me suggest a possible x factor… That is an extra terrestrial presence being discovered. I realize that there are many documents that reveal a plan of the new world order to use an alien threat to cause the patriotism needed for a world government. After all people would no longer view themselves and separate countries but instead a world family, this would also create the need for a world bureaucracy to deal with the threat. But I think that based on the propaganda of Hollywood and the occult writings that this might not be presented as a threat at all, but rather as them posing as a savior to a world that will be war torn, They will claim to be saving us from ourselves, they will claim to have genetically created mankind, and they would claim that they used to be like us and that we are on the verge of an evolution…
“…All over the world religions would be in turmoil, here are these aliens and they are claiming to have created us, that means they are claiming to be our God in a sense… All the religions would be forced to reconsider their ideas.
Secondly, it would finally get the idea of a possible evolution to the entire world, everyone across the world, from the smallest village to the largest city would have a really good reason to believe that they too could be evolved, they could become like the aliens, they could become actual gods…
“… These demons are influencing people to prepare the way for what the new world order calls its phoenix. And what the theosophical society calls the world teacher, their Christ, what I would call the antichrist…”
 – Chris White, David Icke Debunked (But see more on this topic in The New Age and its Relationship to the Antichrist)

Additionally, Paradox Brown describes one possible scenario this way, 

“Beyond this, there is also the “Beast from the Sea”, with 7 heads and 10 horns, which while having a symbolic meaning, is also the fallen angel Abaddon who is released from the Abyss…
It seems likely that this fallen angel Abaddon will take the form of a human man, and not assume a strange “alien” form like other fallen angels seem to do in Revelation. However, this does not preclude people believing that he is an alien. In fact, as the whole world is said to worship him as “god”, it stands to reason that he may claim to be “god” or “creator” of mankind. A human-looking “alien” who claims he himself created humanity in ages past, seems a lie that the world might believe. In fact many “abductees” already believe this. One type of “alien” seen in abduction False Visions is the Nordic. “Nordic aliens” look like beautiful humans, and some people describe them to seem angelic, and they also claim creation of humanity…

“Many people already have gotten the idea into their heads that the Earth may have been visited by aliens in the past, or that aliens might have built the pyramids, etc., have been visiting us for a long time, or even that aliens seeded life here on earth. This theory is known as “panspermia” or “exogenesis”. And some abductees already believe that humanity was genetically engineered by aliens that were here in Earth’s past. The foundation of these ideas is the Theory of Evolution. If people are deceived into thinking Abaddon is an “alien”, who was here in the past, this may be the grand finale of the Theory of Evolution, which has grown beyond a science theory, to be a faith-based religious system. In fact, it seems to be the best candidate out there for the “Strong Delusion” spoken of in 2 Thessalonians.

“As much as believing in evolution is a matter of faith…  Exogenesis is also a matter of faith. What if someday people were told by reliable sources, such as the government or mainstream media, that “aliens” were real, here, and from another planet in another solar system? What if someday people were told by reliable sources that the “aliens” had said they guided the evolution of mankind through genetic engineering, or were the ones who originally brought life to the Earth from outerspace? If this were the case, many people would believe it, especially those who already believe in evolution. Because if a person believes that life evolved here on earth, it leads them to think life could have evolved in space as well, and “aliens” could exist… the Theory of Evolution has been very effective in prepping the world to be deceived by Abaddon, should he claim to be an “alien” who was here in Earth’s past.”
– Paradox Brown, A Modern Guide to Demons and Fallen Angels, pgs. 263-264
(Image: Channeled “alien” Ashtar of the UFO cult “Ashtar Command”/ “Supreme Commander of The Galactic Federation”)

Could the Alien UFO Deception be the Strong Delusion of Bible Prophecy?

We are not dogmatically endorsing a particular eschatological stance, but propose these ideas as theoretical possibilities. However, we do find it interesting that so many Christians who have applied themselves to researching the “alien” phenomena, often arrive at amazingly similar conclusions about the potential significance of of the alien/UFO topic and End-Times prophecy fulfillment. Time will tell if any of these proposed theories are correct or not.  But if so, the alien/UFO deception could be expected to increase in both severity and scope, beyond the already significant impact on the world, society, and the church which is already evident. As Gary Bates describes:

“… Unlike Buddhism, Islam, etc, extraterrestrial belief has a veneer of scientific credibility. Arguably, the world’s most famous scientist, physicist Stephen Hawking, has even stated that he believes aliens probably exist. And the world’s most famous atheistic evolutionist, Richard Dawkins, as anti-theistic as he is, has no problem with aliens theoretically seeding life on earth, provided that somewhere down the chain of creators, there’s a life form that arose via evolution. Antichristian scientist, and co-discoverer of the DNA molecule, Sir Francis Crick, similarly proposed that life came via panspermia (life seeded by aliens) as a possible explanation for the mind-boggling complexity of the coded information on DNA…

It is a mistake for Christians to be uninformed or to ignore the alien phenomenon. Belief in aliens is so prevalent that the church will be seen as irrelevant in this area if Christians can’t address the ‘reality’ for the culture on this topic. Its ‘scientific’ bent has an allure not readily found in other false religions. We regularly dialogue with people who morph Jesus into an advanced extraterrestrial; who’s advanced technological prowess gave him the ability to perform seeming miracles and even raise the dead. Such ideas are challenging traditional Christian belief. In most churches he visits, one of the authors [GB] regularly meets individuals who have seen something in the sky that they can’t explain, or even had an encounter with a being that claimed to be from another planet. Often they have never spoken to their pastors or others in the church about it for fear of ridicule. As such things escalate due to the ongoing conditioning of the culture we should heed the warning of Jesus in Matthew 24:24-25: “For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible.”
 – Gary Bates and Lita Cosner, Ufology: The World’s Fastest-Growing Scientific Religion? (emphasis added)

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